Food Substitutions


Maybe you will be cooking at home more often now that you have found your food triggers. Or maybe you just know what to tell the waiter what you can’t eat. If it’s the former, welcome to the beginning of your new pantry. Relax. Take a deep breath because even though your body hates butter and ‘how are you ever going to make a Paula Deen recipe ever again?’, there is the wonderful world of substitutions. For a more comprehensive list of substitutions as well as menu suggestions, contact me for a free consultation. 

Once you really start to understand your personal food triggers, you’ll get very creative just so you can have that birthday cake again. If you have any tips/tricks please leave a comment. I would love to hear how you are cooking delicious meals!


Dairy Gluten free Cane Sugar Eggs
Ghee Bobs Red Mill GF flour blend Raw Honey Chia seeds
Nut Milks One Degree Cereal Dates Applesauce
Coconut Cream Tamari Maple Syrup Mashed Banana
Nutritional Yeast Buckwheat Coconut sugar Flax Seeds