Kitchen Tools

*I am not endorsed by any of these products to promote them. I'm also not above free things so if you want to send me a product to test out, my belly would welcome it.  

High Quality Blender-From personal experience I can’t say enough good stuff about the Vitamix. Considering the cost I was shocked that it didn't come with its own person to clean it. I mean, it’s a blender. All blenders blend. Not this one. It can pulverize an avocado pit (did you know they are really good for you?) I also have the smaller wet container (32oz) and its great for single serving smoothies or salad dressings. It’s. Just. Amazing.



Food Processor-After much research I purchased the Breville Sous Chef food processor. I searched high and low for a glass bowl food processor but only found one in Canada and England and they couldn't mail it to me. The reason I ended up with this is because the big bowl is totally sealed in the center, and BPA-free. No hole for all your liquid to spill out and it comes with a ton of attachments and a mini bowl too.



Nut Milk bags- For just a few dollars I re-use these time and again for straining nut milk, making coconut yogurt and squeezing the liquid out of cauliflower for the cauliflower pizza crust. 





Digital Kitchen Scale- Recipes switch up their metrics so it’s nice to have a scale when you need 200g of flour or 6 oz of honey. Frankly, I also use it to measure out the dogs raw food.   



Cast Iron pans- Non-stick pans give off toxic fumes so invest in cast iron pans. I love my La Creuset pans because they conduct heat beautifully, go from stove-top to oven and last for decades.




Micro-plane –Invaluable tool for grating ginger, garlic, and zests to name a few.




Omega Vert Juicer–This is the best masticating juicer I found for the price. It has a slow speed "squeezing" action, and easy to use, easy to clean features.




Breville Smart Oven   This was given to me as a gift and I never thought I'd use it much. Its just like an oven, right? Well, yes and no. I love this and use it almost daily. It heats up so much faster than the oven and usually what I make doesn't need a massive baking sheet. It's the perfect size for roasting a few sweet potatoes, and broccoli or I bought the round pizza pan and it cooks a perfect cauliflower pizza crust. As an old-school SAT reference, the Vitamix is to the Blender as this Smart Oven is to the regular oven